Saturday, February 16, 2013

Control Offspring, Part 2

We must do before activity

- Allocate a tennis grazing good pasture and water for pregnant females to calve.

- Clean the roosts and fix or build new ones so that the bell is taken from 2-3 roosts in operating conditions.

- Buy the iodine before the bell starts calving.

What should we do during the activity

- Ensure that the calving herd consists only of pregnant females and avoid encountering male players to eviar abuse or fights that could go against females.

- Disinfect the navel of the calf immediately after birth, carefully observe the cria is born to get up and take your normal colostrum within the first hours after birth.

- Should be born weak and unable to get up, it is necessary after an hour, holding the mother and help the calf to take their colostrum. Repeat this three times a day and keep watching the days following sub-and help to do it for themselves.

What should we do after activity

- Observe strict observation for three days, the babies who are born, especially those who have had problems, to help whenever needed.

- Practice the rotation of roosts, whenever these are dirty or muddy.

- Identify mothers have no milk or are "kill offspring" to use them to take.

Control Offspring, part 1

Preventive measures to lower mortality in offspring

- Preventive measures are simple application activities to be undertaken during the bell calving to ensure that the calf alive.

 Main problems

- One of the major problems in raising alpacas at the community level is the high calf mortality within the first 3 months of life. 20, die about 10.

- Generally most mortality occurs in those calves born weak and can not get up to take the first milk called "colostrum".

- Diarrhea and neumoticos processes are the most common diseases in offspring that are not treated promptly. Hatchlings dead dawn one day to the other.

- There is lack of knowledge about the importance of disinfecting the navel, timely consumption of colostrum and the advantages of roosting rotation, during the months of January to March.

- Finally the high calf mortality increase poblacoion not allow animals, reducing the possibility of practicing a rigorous selection of the players, or make a good take.

What we do

It is necessary to implement the following:
a) Traskadar pregnant animals to pasture fields pastorearlas break during the last 3 months of gestation.

b) Ensure that the breeding take the first milk or colostrum within the first hours after birth.

The colostrum comnsumo some extent ensures the survival of breeding, because through the mother is transmitted to breeding, resistance and strength against different diseases like pneumonia and others.

c) Disinfect the navel with iodine hatchlings, wound healing and prevent entry of microbes that produce enfermeades.

d) Perform rotation roosts in preventing various diseases in offspring, such as diarrhea and pneumonia Piojera. You must have 2 to 3 rotation roosts and practice whenever they are muddy or dirty.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Scabies, part 3

Prevention and control of the disease

The baths must be scheduled and run 2 times a year, one in April and one in November after shearing, with their repetitions 12 days later.

Prevent the entry of animals suspected or scabies lesions in a healthy herd.

When practicing tratameiento tropical, like animals and repeat the same operation every 8 days, until healed completely, to prevent its spread.

The Scabies, part 2

Symptoms of the disease

It starts with itching in the area affected by the action of masticatory and sucking parasites, and because of this the animal is scratching, rubbing on fences, rocks or with their hind hooves

In some cases, the alpaca fiber begins acaerse of the affected area, giving a bad look. After a crust is formed by the action of these harmful parasites, which grows in size, with each passing day.

When the parasite acts in the ear, makes alpaca continuously move and shake your head at any moment. If not treated early, complications occur with other disease called otitis.

When lesions are located on the limb, hindering their displacement.

Finally down to condition animals because they can not alimnetarse normally through the hassle of itching that causes these parasites.

Disease Treatment

Once the disease has been detected in one or more animals, consider that all of them are affected, so the treatment chosen should be for the whole herd, alpacas, llamas and sheep.

May be considered for treatment in the following ways:
a) Baths pool by immersion in longitudinal

For this activity requires a vat, where animals enter one after another at one end, making them go deep in water containing antisarnico, then out the other end where the corral enceuntra drainer, here remain a time, and then take the field where drying finish.

- Allows bathe a large number of animals and effective when used according to the antisarnico the Product indicaicones
- Allows community organization.

- It is slow and can cause damage in some animals.

b) Treatment tropical

This is the easiest way to cure scabies, especially when few animals. Consists heavily diseased parts rub with a cloth dipped in the drug causing the product to penetrate deeply, to kill parasites.

- Allows family involvement.

- Requires a continuous treatment of sick animals, every eight days until healed.

c) Injection Treatment

To this end it has injectable drugs on the market that are effective when products meet your specifications.

- Also act against other internal and external parasites and requires no repetition.

The Scabies, part 1

It is a parasitic disease that spoils the fira and alpacas ocaciona that weight reduction, which affect them predisponiendolas to other diseases that can lead them to death.

Who porduce scabies?

Scabies is produced by two types of parasites, which empeizan atancando few places where there is no fiber, domo face, ears, armpits, crotch, etc.. (Sarcoptes scaviei) and less frequent attack other sites or fiber areas like the neck, back (soroptes communis) which pieden fianlmente extendesr throughout the body.

As these parasites reproduce?

Adult mites have eight legs, penetrate the skin forming galleries where they lay eggs, and leave these exlosionan larvae only 6 feet, subsequently become 8-legged nymphs, parasites mature into adults, and begin a new cycle.

This cycle will say about 12 to 14 days.