Friday, March 1, 2013

Diarrhea in calves, part 2

Prevention and control of communicable diseases

1. to prevent enterotoxemia is recommended:
- Ensure that the calf is born, take the colostrum or first milk Redeemer of the first hours after birth, to acquire resistance to disease.
- Ensure that the offspring take clean water and power, and avoid stagnant water ingestion.
- Select in advance the tennis pair calving, so that mothers eat well, to produce enough milk for ences
- Ensure that the roosts are dry and slightly inclined to the formation of muddy evirar.
- Practice roosts rotation whenever they are dirty or puddles.
- Perform rotation grazing fields

2. For diarrhea atypical recommended:
- Ensure that the hatchlings make their colostrum within the first few hours after birth and breastfeeding ensure iaria.
- Use clean, dry pens
- Select fields with good pasture calving, for mothers to eat well and to produce enough milk for the young.

3. Coccidiosis is recommended for:
- Ensure the suction of colostrum by calves during the first hours after birth
- Ensure that the offspring take clean water supply.
- Ensure use of roosts clean and dry.

- In the case of enterotoxemia, effective treatment can be achieved if the time to detect onset of the disease and can be used for this antibiotic. As treatment can be used sulfaro paleativo magnesium dissolved in warm water if laenfermedad have time to his administration, which will cause the expulsion of toxins together with intenstinal content.

- In the case of atypical diarrhea, immediate treatment is changing roosts and use of oral antibiotics

- In the case of coccidiosis, once the disease has diagnosicado, relaiconado symptoms with the observation of gross lesions of the intestines and colo of diarrhea in calves, immediately treat all Rias preferably with sulfa.

Prevention and control of the disease

- Practice rotation grazing fields.

- Ensuring good alimentaion of animals, keeping the flock only necessary, according to the quality and catidad grassland that has, thus avoiding overcrowding.

All rights reserved to National Agricultural Research Institute, INIA - Peru. 2000

Diarrhea in calves, part 1

Diarrhea in baby alpaca

The pup mortality in the hood of calving is a serious problem in alpaca breeding, hence the constant concern dwe producers find alternatives but simple techniques aplicaion.

A confunsion on the type of disease being treated, and how they can be controlled, because CIRAS die a week or a month, and other times they die several offspring simultaneously, which confuses the breeder.

Those who produce diarrhea

The bacteria or "germs" and parasites that cause diarrhea are:
- Welchie Clostridium (bacteria) causes enterotoxemia.
- Escherichia coli (bacteria) causes diarrhea atypical
- Coccidia (parasite) that cause coccidiosis.

These can only verese under the microscope.

Symptoms of the disease

1. When it comes to the most notorious enterotoxemia symptoms are:
- Calves are decayed, and cast away from his mother.
- Present the swollen belly and bid but not defecate
- Get plenty of water having fever.
- However, other die without showing any symptoms
- The disease generally occurs in wet years.

Externally, the belly is very swollen, as if about to burst. When opened, the intestines tend to escape due to the strong pressure of the gas contained in them, and the smell is perceived unpleasant characteristic.

2. When diarrhea is atypical presenting symptoms are:
- Persistent diarrhea with stools whitish, yellowish or greenish white, resulting in the cira puerda weight quickly.
Diarrhea may persist for several days (2-5 days), especially when they are kept in pens dirty and wet.
- Finally the CIRAS is weak, listless, and die cast remain.
- At necropsy, the most striking is the poor animal's meat condidiocn and intestinal content is fluid without the presence of gases.

3. When it comes coccidiosis presenting symptoms Calves are:
- Decay and lack of appetite
- General weakness and weight loss
- They have dark and persistent diarrhea
- Affects the offspring but are in good condition
- At necropsy is the thin intesitno bleeding.

All rights reserved to National Agricultural Research Institute, INIA - Peru. 2000