Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Problematic: Peru has 85% of the global population of vicunas, with about 140 thousand heads. This South American camelid live up to 20 years and is adapted to the climate of the highlands, between 3,500 and 5,000 m. The vicuna has a fiber as fine and soft as silk, whose value reached $ 500 per kg, equivalent to more than 2,000 kg of sheep wool. In our mountains there are nearly 18 million hectares of natural pastures suitable for fodder, which could handle up to 1 million vicuñas for the production of fiber listed and your scalp and skin.

Management of vicuña is a great choice for the development of the Andes!

International Agreements: The export of vicuñas and other fertile reproductive material (eggs, frozen embryos, frozen semen, etc..) Is prohibited and regulated by the Convention for the Conservation and Management of the Vicuña, signed in 1979 between Peru, Bolivia , Chile, Argentina and Ecuador.

Handling: There is a danger that reproductive material smuggled out of vicuna vicunas through pacovicuñas alive and well. The pacovicuña is the intersection of alpacas and vicunas, is a hybrid that has 50% of genetic material from the two species mentioned above. Crossing pacovicuñas each other in the first generation out 25% pure vicuna, 25% alpaca and 50% pacovicuñas ... to re-cross hybrids, the proportion is repeated. It is convenient to export pacovicuñas because other countries could obtain genetic material from vicuna and become competitors, and lost the economic potential of vicuña fiber for high Andean Peruvian economy.

Priority Areas: Huancavelica, Ayacucho, Apurimac, Arequipa, Puno, Cusco, Junín and Lima.

Warranties: The legal framework that guarantees contracts between the state and highland communities own the land suitable.


  1. So sweet, I never saw one of these in my life.
    Nice blog, continue the good work.

  2. Oh wow that is awesome, how cute!
